When I first got introduced to JavaScript, one of my many challenges was deciding what to use when declaring a variable. Initially, I’d use var a lot, and then I started using const almost as much; let and I weren’t so close then. So today, I’ll be showing how I decide what key to use when declaring a variable. On your mark, get ready, let’s go.
What are variables, and why do we need to declare them?
Variables are little boxes where you keep information. Let's say you are moving houses, so you get a little box to keep your glass wears and label it fine china. Giving that variable a name is called declaring a variable. We do this to know what it contains without constraint. In javaScript, we use the assignment operator = to put the glass wears in fine china.
var fineChina = [plates, cups, bowls, forks, spoons, knives]
// an array with a variable fineChina
The Magic Keys
In JavaScript, there are three keys used to declare a variable. They are:
Quick commercial break
Before we talk about keys, it's important to note three types of scope in JavaScript. They are:
Global Scope: a variable declared outside a function is known as a global scope. Also, we can use a variable declared as a global scope within a function.
Function Scope: a variable declared within a function is known as a functional scope. These variables cannot be accessed outside of their function.
Block Scope: Any variable declared inside a block can only be accessed within that block.
Back to regular programming
We used var solely when declaring variables in JavaScript from 1995 to 2015. Variables declared using var can be reassigned and re-declared.
var car = "honda"
var car = "ferrari" // car is redeclared here
console.log(car) // displays ferrari
var team = "manchester united"
team = "arsenal" // team is reassigned a value of arsenal
console.log(team) // arsenal is displayed here
We can also use var as a global scope and as a functional scope.
As a global scope:
var me = "caleb" // declared globally
function displayMe(){
console.log(me); // using global declaration in a function
displayMe() // displays caleb
As a function scope:
function champions (){
var champion = "manchester city";
console.log(champion); // retruns manchester city
console.log(champion); // returns champion is undefined
Note: You should avoid using var. let and const has all you need.
let is the new kid in town. Let was introduced in ES6 (2015). We were introduced to block scoping with let. With let you cannot re-declare a variable
let awesome = "manchester united"
let awesome = "Arsenal"
console.log(awesome) // displays awesome has already been declared
but we can update it
let awesome = "manchester united"
awesome = "Rashford"
console.log(awesome) // displays Rashford
As a block scope
function match (){
let player = "Saka"
let goal = 0
let player = "rashford";
let goal = 6
console.log(`${player} scored ${goal}`) // block scope displays rashford scored six
console.log(`${player} scored ${goal}`) // displays saka scored 0 as no access to variables declared within a block
note: You cannot redeclare a variable within the same block when using let.
I refer to const as a constant as values are immutable. This means we cannot reassign values with the assignment operator (=). We should use const when we know the value of our variable would not change. If it is an object, then properties can be updated.
const bank = "chase";
bank = "monzo";
console.log(bank) // displays a typeerror "assignment to constant variable"
updating a value within an object
const pancake = {
texture: "fluffy",
flavor: "blueberries",
sugar: true,
honey: false,
eggs: 6
pancake.honey = true;
console.log(pancake.honey); // returns honey as true
updating within an array
const ages = [20,45,65,72]
console.log(ages[1]) // displays 33
const shares some similarities with let in the sense that declarations can only be accessed within the block they are declared in. You should use const when dealing mostly with Arrays, Objects, and Functions.
I found this picture on Pinterest and it should aid with remembering when next you're unsure.
Annndddddd Sceneeee. I hope this article helps you when you're confused about what keys to use when next you're declaring your variables.
Thank you for staying with me, see you next time.